Baby Formulas

Offer the Best Nutrition to Your Little One With these Baby Formulas

Babies love to taste new things but shouldn’t be fed anything heavy while under 12 months. In this period, they should be fed only breast milk. However, for some reasons, mothers may not be able to feed their babies. These reasons can be medical conditions, lifestyle, and even comfort.

Don’t worry! There is a solution, and that is a baby formula or infant formula. Made carefully from all the essential ingredients, baby formulas are the single nutrition source for infants below 12 months.

They are made from light ingredients that fulfil the nutritional needs of the baby while providing a yummy taste.

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Essential Nutrients and Types of Baby Formulas!

Baby milk formulas are of several types that are made from different food sources. These food sources are as follows!

  • Soy-based newborn baby formula: Soy-based formulas are usually preferred for infants who are lactose intolerant (not tolerating sugar). Unlike cow’s milk-based formulas, they do not contain any sugar but offer the same nutrition as sugar-containing formulas. Consult a physician before you choose the right baby formula.
  • Cow’s milk-based formula: The cow’s milk-based formula is best for the child if not breastfeeding. These formulas are carefully modelled after breast milk by adding the required carbohydrates and fats. They also feature elements that help develop the brain and vision of the baby, such as fatty acids DHA and ARA. These newborn formulas are available in ready-to-feed cans, powder, and even liquid concentrate.
  • Low-iron formulas: Some baby formulas are also available in low-iron variants. However, they are not preferred for babies under 12 months. As this is an essential growth phase for babies, iron serves as a key nutrient in their food. Some might argue that it causes constipation, but that is not entirely true. It is advised not to choose the low-iron newborn baby formula.
  • Protein hydrolysates: These formulas are also known as predigested formulas. They are best for infants who are unable to tolerate the standard baby formulas or have an allergy to cow-based baby formulas. They are a bit more expensive than the regular solutions but are beneficial for babies at the risk of developing eczema.


As we are clear on the types of newborn formula, let’s understand the essential nutrients that should be a part of these formulas! An ideal baby milk formula should contain the following nutrients!

    • Minerals: Calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, chloride, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, and selenium.
    • Vitamins: Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B2, vitamin B1, vitamin E, vitamin D. vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin B12, biotin, and vitamin B6.
    • Protein and carbs: Glucose sugars, Standard protein, Partially hydrolyzed protein, and Fully hydrolyzed protein.
    • Nucleotides: Cytidine, disodium uridine, adenosine, disodium inosine, etc.
    • Prebiotics and probiotics: Probiotics like Lactobacillus reuteri and Bifidobacterium breve and prebiotics like galacto-OS or fructo-OS and/or polydextrose are used in baby formulas.

How Much Newborn Formula Does Your Baby Need?

This is the most common question of parents: how much formula does the baby need? Well, the answer to this depends on several factors, such as the age of the baby. For example, for the first week, the baby drinks one to three ounces of formula every two to three hours in a day.

Between two to four months, the babies start consuming three to four ounces of formula every three hours. In short, it can vary from baby to baby, and it is alright as long as your baby is showing healthy weight gain. Most of the babies start accepting cow’s milk once they are 12 months old.

How to Prepare The Newborn Baby Formula?

This can be a difficult thing for new parents, but don’t worry! Here are some tips to prepare baby formula!

  • Always warm the baby formula to room temperature. It can be done by heating the water in a warm bottle and keeping it under a hot water tap.
  • Once the water is warm enough, add a scoop of the cheap baby formula in it. If you are using liquid concentrate, read the instructions on the pack to know the quantity. Shake the bottle to mix well and test the temperature on your inside wrist.
  • If it doesn’t sting, you can feed it to your baby.

It is safe to mix breast milk with baby formula; you can mix two ounces of milk in two ounces of infant formula. Moreover, keep your hands clean while preparing and clean everything used to prepare the formula.

How to Pick the Best Baby Formula?

Well, this can be tricky, but we will make it easy for you. Here are certain factors to consider when buying baby formula!

  • Lactose: Keep an eye on the lactose content in the baby formula. If your baby is born prematurely, they may not take lactose that well. Go for a formula with less or zero lactose content.
  • Proteins: There are different kinds of protein content in baby formulas, such as Standard (full-size) protein formula, Partially hydrolyzed protein formula, and Fully hydrolyzed protein formula. The first one is the best for babies who are free from any allergy, and the last one is best for babies who have allergies to cow’s milk.
  • Other ingredients: Check if all the crucial minerals and vitamins are a part of it.

Pro tip:
Make the protein aspect a priority when choosing!

All of this can be tough to digest, but when you buy from Discount Chemist, you don’t have to worry about anything. We have all types of cheap baby formulas that you can buy. All the products are authentic, well-tested, and safe for your baby’s health.

So, what are you waiting for? Order now!


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