Nicabate Clear 21mg Step 1 14 Patches


Nicabate Patch contain nicotine to relieve cravings. Craving control that allows you to quit smoking one cigarette at a time, at a pace that suits you, to help you stay calm, be prepared and in control of your quit journey.

Nicabate Patch release therapeutic nicotine continously across 24hrs with Smart Control Technology to help you quit smoking. Using the Reduce to Quit Method, simply place on a patch and gradually reduce strength over time. Each time you avoid reaching for a cigarette, feel proud of yourself and celebrate that little win.

7 Patches

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Nicabate Clear 21mg Step 1 14 Patches


Please read the enclosed leaflet for more detailed information on directions for use.

Nicabate Clear Patch is part of a programme designed to support your wish to stop smoking. The programme contains 3 steps which you will need to follow, starting with step 1, then step 2, then step 3. Each step has its own strength of Nicabate Clear Patch; the patches are designed to supply your body with the correct amount of nicotine, which decreases as you go from step 1 to step 3.

Start with step 1 (21 mg/24 hr patch) if you smoke 10 or more cigarettes per day, and use the different strength patches according to the following 10 week schedule.

  • Step 1 (21 mg/24 hr patch) 6 weeks once daily
  • Step 2 (14 mg/24 hr patch) 2 weeks once daily
  • Step 3 (7 mg/24 hr patch) 2-4 weeks once daily

Dispose of patch carefully then wash hands with water only, as instructed in the leaflet.
The used patch should be immediately disposed of in such a way as to prevent its access by children or pets.


Active Ingredient per patch:
Nicotine 114mg (21mg/24hr)


Consult your doctor before use:

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • If you have high blood pressure that is not controlled.
  • If you have a stomach ulcer.
  • If you have kidney or liver disease.
  • If you have an overactive thyroid or adrenal gland cancer.
  • If you use insulin for diabetes.
  • If you are under 18 years of age.
  • If you are taking any other medication.

Do not use:

  • If you have had a heart attack, stroke and/or have circulation problems, unless your doctor tells you to.
  • If you are under 12 years old.
  • If the foil is broken.
  • If you are allergic to nicotine or any other ingredient in the patch.

Keep out of reach of children.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 20 cm




Nicabate includes a range of products designed to help people quit smoking. Nicabate is a market-leading therapeutic nicotine (also known as nicotine replacement therapy, or NRT) brand in Australia. NRT works by replacing some of the nicotine that the smoker gets from smoking, helping to take the edge off withdrawal symptoms such as cravings. This allows the smoker to focus on breaking the habits of smoking. Over time the dose of nicotine is gradually reduced and then discontinued.


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