Ovulation Tests
Several hormonal changes occur throughout the month in women’s bodies. Recognising when you are ovulating helps you make informed decisions regarding diet, reproduction, precautions, and body energy.
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Why Use Ovulation Tests?
Ovulation is a phase when females are most fertile. The chances of conception are the highest at this time. Body energy is highest during ovulation compared to all other three phases of the monthly cycle.
- Accurate: As the monthly cycle differs from woman to woman, ovulation tests provide precise information on the time window of the ovulation period.
- Conception: Anyone willing to conceive can start their fertility journey by knowing this important phase time window.
- Tracking Cycle: While recognising the phases a woman is in, many informed decisions can be made regarding their activities and dietary needs.
- Precaution: While it's beneficial for those who are trying to get pregnant, it's helpful for those who are not trying to. Taking proper precautions during the ovulation period also gives you peace of mind.
Discount Chemist offers a wide range of ovulation tests that are both convenient and trusted brands at huge discounts.
How to Use Ovulation Tests?
Ovulation tests are advised to be taken in the middle of your monthly cycle. The urine test detects the LH surge (luteinising Hormone) that triggers ovulation and the saliva test detects the changes in saliva pattern and crystals but are not commonly used. Taking the ovulation tests daily at the same time in the middle of your cycle increases the likelihood of catching it as the surge is brief but significant.
- Cycle Length: Determine the length of your monthly cycle to begin the process. The ovulation phase begins in the middle of the cycle. A woman with a 28-day cycle might have her ovulating window around 14. But considering the length of the cycle may vary or in case of an irregular cycle the test to track down is important.
- Test at Right Time: Start testing in the middle of your cycle. It might take 5-6 tests daily at the same time to track it down.
- Sample: Follow the guideline advisory written on the ovulation test. Avoid drinking too much water before the test.
- Results: The test, if positive, will show the result of LH surge, which means the ovulation window is likely within the next 12-36 hours.
The user can now identify the fertility period and make informed decisions. Discount Chemist offers ovulation test strips and digital tests, both at incredible discounts.
When To Use an Ovulation Test?
The ovulation period differs from woman to woman due to the length of the monthly cycle.
- Regular Cycle: A cycle of 28-30 days is considered a regular cycle. Start ovulation testing around day 10-11 and continue the testing up to 4-5 days.
- Irregular Cycle: Irregular cycles take a few months of frequent ovulation testing to track down.
- Birth Control: After stopping birth control, it might take a few months to properly regulate the cycle. Once the regular cycle starts, estimate the cycle length and start ovulation tests in the middle of the cycle.
Ovulation tests are 99% accurate if taken according to the guidelines. No test is 100% foolproof. To be completely sure, pair it with tracking basal body temperature or cervical mucus.
How to Choose the Right Ovulation Kit?
Discount Chemist offers a wide variety of ovulation kits at discounts, so make sure to check it out, but before that make sure you know what kinds are available.
- Ovulation Stick: These are easy to use, affordable and accurate.
- Digital Monitors kit: For precise results and altering any confusion, these come with a digital display for results.
- Combo packs: Many brands offer a combo kit that includes an ovulation test as well as a pregnancy test in one product.
Benefits of Ovulation Kits
There are several benefits of investing in good quality ovulation kits, as they are versatile and offer peace of mind at a fraction of the price.
- Easy to use: These ovulation kits are easy to use and require no medical history to declare the result. It's convenient as one can use it in the comfort of their house, and the results are fast.
- Affordable and Self-Operated: The ovulation kits are affordable and accessible as compared to frequent visits to fertility clinics which cost a fortune.
- Accurate and Reliable Results: The ovulation tests are trusted and reliable and offer 99% accuracy.
- Better Decision Making: It provides cycle tracking at home which helps in determining the type of nutrition a woman needs in that particular phase. A woman can thus make an informed decision regarding diet, exercise, conception and hormone regulators.
Always choose the ovulation tests that are compatible with you, your budget, and your needs and ensure quality. Consider going through the ovulation sticks, ovulation kits and ovulation tests at discount chemists.
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