- Age: Adults under 65 years and children from 12 years
- How many: 1 tablet with water.
- How often: repeat does every 8 hours as required. (Maximum 3 tablets in 24 hours)
Do not split tablets. Keep to the recommended dose.
Active Ingredients per tablet:
Contains maize starch.
Do not:
- Under in children under 12 years or adults aged 65 years or over
- Take this medicine for more than 3 days at a time for adults or for more than 2 days for adolescents aged 12 to 17 years unless advices by a doctor.
- Exceed the recommended dose. Excessive use can be harmful and increase the risk of heart attack, stroke or liver damage.
Do not use if:
- Have asthma, diabetes, impaired kidney or liver function, heart problems or heart failure
- Are pregnant or trying to become pregnant or are breastfeeding
- Have, or have had, a stomach ulcer or other stomach disorders
- Are a heavy drinker
- Are allergic to paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medicines
Do not take, unless advised by a doctor:
- With other medicines you are taking regularly
- If you have bleeding problems
While using this product:
- If an overdose is taken or suspected ring the Poison Information Centre or go to hospital straight away even if you feel well because of the risk of delayed, serious liver damage
- This preparation is for the relief of minor and temporary ailments and should be used stricktly as directed
- If you get an allergic reaction stop takign and see your doctor immediately
Do not use if blister seal is broken.
Good for pain
Helps with my arthritis
helps with arthristis price ok