Surgipack Ear Syringe 60mL


The SURGIPACK Ear Syringe assists with ear canal irrigation.

60mL Ear Syringe

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1. Prepare approximately 250mL of lukewarm water.
2. Insert the syringe into the water and squeeze the bulb hard to commence suction.
3. Once the bulb is full, tilt the head slightly upward so the ear can be irrigated.
4. Gently insert the tip of the syringe into the ear, ensuring it is not directed at the eardrum.
NOTE: It is recommended that a small bowl or towel be placed under the ear to catch any excess liquid.
5. Very gently, squeeze the bulb of the Ear Syringe to flush/irrigate the ear.
6. Turn downwards to allow excess fluid to flow out of the irrigated ear.

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 20 cm


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